Organization leaders are responsible for creating a work environment where employees love to give their best and work together. Yet, in reality, disagreements and differences of opinion often occur and escalate into interpersonal conflict thus wasting time, productivity and eroding a healthy work culture. In order to uphold teamwork and a healthy culture, immediate interventions are critical in absolving conflict-ridden situations. We believe that conflict is best resolved when a third party is involved as it creates a neutral platform with no vested interests. Using the CliftonStrengths Finder tool, we facilitate a dialogue that is in the interest of both parties so that they feel heard, understood and equipped with the tools to negotiate conflict situations in the future. Allow OHS to restore peace and productivity to your work culture.

Disciplinary processes are used to correct behaviour which contradicts organizational goals and brings about labour peace in the workplace. However, if incorrectly or inconsistently applied, its destructive consequences can be felt throughout the organization.
Our services include:
Provide expert advise on how to handle daily labour related issues.
Assist management in the preparation of supporting documents for disciplinary hearings.
Fill the role as Chairperson at disciplinary hearings.
Allow OHS to lead you through challenges of disciplinary processes.

Legislation requires certain employers to comply with the Skills Development and Employment Equity Act. Although employers experience it as a complex and time-consuming process, organizations may gain skills levies and earn BBBEE-points if properly facilitated and administered. Our services include:
Establish Employment Equity Committee.
Develop Employment Equity and Workplace Skills Plan.
Administer Employment Equity and Workplace Skills Plan submissions on behalf of employers.
Facilitate planning and training interventions.
Provide assistance to claim from your SETA.
Allow OHS to help you navigate and manage this aspect of your business.

During uncertain and difficult economic times, restructuring, temporary lay-offs, retrenchments or any unsuccessful union negotiations may have a damaging and paralysing effect on employers and on employees. Companies must therefore ensure that this traumatic experience is not aggravated by delays, errors or complications with the process. Engaging in these actions in an informed, sound and transparent manner will create less conflict, maintain fairness and build stronger employer-employee relations that will be key to the success of any business. Our services include facilitating union negotiations as well as facilitating retrenchment, temporary lay-offs or restructuring processes. Allow OHS to walk you through the tough stuff that is labour relations.